Tuesday, December 13, 2011


After my last post of wallowing self pity and anger, and after deciding running away would only be a temporary fix, I  somewhat came to my senses.

It's a difficult tightrope act between being in pain and being positive...and sometimes I fall off.
But, it's about how you get back up right?

I went to the doctor recently and apparently I missed my window to be put on Clomid for last month. There was a gap in communication and we needed to start anew this month in December.

After feeling how nuts I was last month and knowing it would be worse after being put on Clomid, I decided to start this process January first, to allow the Christmas season to pass as hormone free as possible and to allow myself some time to start an exercise routine and get on a healthier track.

So we have started juicing to get all the veggies needed and have started to slowly incorporate exercising again...it wasn't an easy decision to put this off for a month, but I think it was the right one.

In a store this past weekend Michael was all smiles and playing with this cute little girl in a cart in front of us which melted my heart and made me want to cry all at the same time. He is ready to be a father, and will make an amazing one when God decides it is time for us.

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