Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's SANTA!!

I survived the holidays. Oh praise the Lord.

Christmas has come and gone and the quickness of the arrival and departure of yuletide cheer says something about the years that are starting to quickly pass by.

I love Christmas. My dream house is something out of a National Lampoon movie and would attract passers by like moths to a flame. However, it's a hard time to wish to be parents...once you have kids its all about them so when you go visit family where EVERYONE (4-5 couples) has children, you feel like the odd man out of some inside joke.

The look of a child's face as they view Christmas lights, sing a long to carols, see Santa for the first time,, make their annual gingerbread house, or sloppily smear frosting on freshly baked sugar cookies...its all magical and makes the childless, seemingly barren among us yearn even more. (who knew that was possible?)

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